Monday, December 23, 2019
Technical Efficiency Of Charter School - 1734 Words
Technical efficiency is achieved when output is maximized given fixed levels of input. For a school to achieve technical efficiency, the school would have to provide students the best education possible given the fixed levels of labor and capital. A start-up charter school, with no permanent facility, would have to maximize the test scores of their students with the space being used. Also, a charter school must increaseased. If a charter e output when input is incr school moves to a larger facility or hires more teachers, the level of education for the students must increase as well. Traditional schools have trouble with increasing inputs. Those schools have one facility and can only fit a certain number of teachers within that facility.†¦show more content†¦A deterrent for the wanting to start a charter school is the high barrier of entry for a new firm. Charter schools have high start-up costs with little federal and state funding to help. With charter schools boasting a t otal of $2 billion in accounting profit per year, charter schools appear to be doing well for themselves (Charter Schools in the US, Industry at a Glance). However, charter schools are run as non-profit organizations, and the profits are recycled back into the school. One of the strongest arguments for charter schools is the idea that it gives children in urban areas a chance at a higher level of education offered than that of a traditional school within that district. Statistics show that twenty-nine percent of charter school students are African-American while only fifteen percent of traditional school students are African-American. Latino students also make up three percent more of the student body of charter schools relative to traditional schools. Over half of the charter schools in the U.S. are in urban areas while roughly only one-third of the traditional schools lie within the urban areas (Charter Schools in the US, Industry Performance tab, Exceptional Growth paragraph). Although minorities have a higher percentage in charter schools, there are claims that this does not make schools more diverse. Lots of charter schools are set up in predominantly African-American neighbor hoods and drawShow MoreRelatedThe International Civil Aviation Organization937 Words  | 4 PagesAviation Organization was first established in Chicago, U.S in December 1941, in the Convention on International Civil Aviation, which also formed its charter. The convention, also known as the Chicago convention, established rules of airspace, airplane registration and safety, and details the rights of the signatories in relation to air travel. The charter document was signed on December 7, 1944 in Chicago, Illinois by 52 signatory states. 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